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REVIVED – Dusted off with a new look

So Feminine Findings has been dormant for almost three years…. I honestly cannot believe it has been that long. So much has transpired for me and for all of us. All of that content during that time and more will be covered here. As the title suggests, this blog is being reborn.

Two and a half years has personally encompassed wedding #1, wedding #2 in the making, a grandchild, a layoff and an ultimate forced, retirement. Milestones, to say the least. Collectively, we all have endured a never ending pandemic, an election, and an unwanted war that is not our fight (seems to be a reoccurring theme). All of these with consequences we could never even have imagined. So much in such a short time to reflect on.

Miracles do happen as I have found myself a highly talented YOUNG assistant who will help me make this “once upon a time” hobby into something more. I do believe I lamented over needing someone who was great with the technical aspects of this social media phenomenon in one of my earlier posts. Someone up there was listening… it just took a little longer than I expected. Patience was never one of my virtues.

I’m counting on this union to produce something new and vibrant. I have reluctantly come to accept that I am retired from my lifelong profession. Now with that acceptance, it is time to turn this hobby into something more. More in so many ways… better formatting, better content, better aesthetics, overall BETTER. I believe with the addition of my new associate we can turn Feminine Findings into something for all ages.

Maybe, just maybe, this hobby will become more than a hobby. After struggling with the loss of my mortgage professional status, just maybe this will be the revival of the retired. I can’t think of a better time than my birthday month to transform a loss into a gain. I look forward to sharing a new and improved “place for you.” Hopefully you will join me from time to time and share your thoughts. The best part of my professional life was engaging with truly wonderful people. I’m hoping to facilitate that again on this journey. I look forward to it and I hope you do to!

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Anita Hanson
Anita Hanson
2 years ago

Congrats on your launch and great new look! Your writing speaks to me and your young assistant is clearly talented too! Lots of changes the past three years, change and new directions can be tough. But, what wonderful blessings you’ve experienced and gained. I look forward to see where this takes you ! ♥️

Nancy E Souza
Nancy E Souza
2 years ago

I am so looking forward to the new launch if Feminine findings. Cannot wait and anticipate is coming next! Good Luck honey!❤️

Karen C
Karen C
2 years ago

So happy for you! Can’t wait to read all that you have to say in your revived blog.

Charmaine Hughes
Charmaine Hughes
2 years ago

I am so excited for you and am looking forward to seeing this take off!

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